Open Thank You Letter August 07 2020


Nadine Noky

This is a thank you letter meant for my friends, family, and customers of Lady Brigade. 

For the last 6 years I have operated Lady Brigade and (up until March) worked as a marketing consultant alongside other companies always dreaming of the day when I would finally be able to open up a physical store and dedicate 100% of my energy on Lady Brigade. But you know how the story goes, there was never enough time, money, or resources, in other words to …make the transition.  I never felt like I was ready, or at least that’s what I had thought. Just like the pandemic itself, somethings we will never be prepared for, but eventually we have to deal with it anyways.

While no one likes a pandemic (myself included 🤣), it sure has had a way of reevaluating my beliefs and helped me reexamine what’s possible (both good and bad) and for that, I am thankful for it forcing me to FINALLY take massive action. After losing all of my long term marketing clients since Covid began in March and my partner Joshua losing about 80% of his income, it literally was now or never as we really had nothing to left to lose and I have never been one to sit around and wait to “see what happens”.

Thanks to you, yes you, our family has been able to survive this year without any PPP loans (we applied and patiently waited 3 months just to be told they ran out of funding and if we wanted a loan, we would have to try and reapply again!), or without any unemployment benefits, and without any additional sources of income we once relied on in conjunction with sales from 

Thank you all of who you that have supported Lady Brigade over the last 6 years, and even more so this year. Because you chose to shop, to review, and tell others about Lady Brigade, we are still here. I mean it with every ounce of my being, we COULD NOT have gotten this far without you. We have no idea where this is going, but one thing is for sure, we will give it everything we have.


Nadine Noky

Founder of Lady Brigade



Veteran Owned Small Business

P.S If anything I’ve said has resonated with you and you’ve been wanting to make a big change in your life, you don’t have to wait for a pandemic to take action. I encourage you to explore how you can take the leap in your life too!